Hospital Visit

By July 28, 2012Blog

We kicked off the weekend in the hospital Emergency Room.  The trip had nothing to do with the baby, although, everything seems more scary when you are pregnant.  I woke up Friday morning with what appeared to be a blister on my ear and inflammation.  It was pretty painful but I went to work anyways.  After work, my ear looked and felt worse so I decided to go to the walk-in clinic.  The N.P. at Walgreens took one look at me and said “I’m not touching that.  “Go to the emergency room.”  At that moment my concern turned into panic, especially since she mentioned “Recluse bite.”  Who tells a pregnant lady they MAY have a poisonous spider bite and sends them on their way?!! So, we headed to the ER which is literally across the street, (also where I will be delivering.)  Three hours later my official diagnosis was abscess (a.k.a boil…ewww!) The ER N.P. made an incision and drained it.  They do not know what caused the abscess.  It could be many things including insect bite, ingrown hair, blocked oil gland, pimple, cyst, or puncture wound.  Basically, any bacteria that gets trapped under the skin, in any way, can cause it.  They are going to culture the bacteria and see what it was but in the meantime I’m back on antibiotics again.  🙁


Author Mommy

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