15 Weeks

By August 10, 2012Blog

Baby is the size of an apple this week. I had a checkup on Tuesday and the doctor said everything sounds great with the heartbeat.  She also said it’s normal that I still do not have a baby bump.  It’s just hard to believe how fast the baby changes and grows everyday and how I stay the same.  I may start to feel movement in the next couple weeks and am very excited about that.  I hope I will be able to recognize the difference between baby flutters and gas bubbles. 🙂


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    I imagine it’s the first time a doctor as ever heard someone say their tummy is too small.
    I have a feeling… if you aren’t coming out like a basketball, this may be a boy. A boy causes you to be around your waistline, not out. Just my opinion, Dad wants to know what kind of apple?
    I can’t say that I could feel movement that early but maybe I had too much of a tummy. You girls were huge, right from the begining. 🙂

  • Aunt B says:

    I wish I would have known your secret back then. I believe I was wearing maternity tops at 4 months. I definitely showed quite fast, especially with Shannon. From the pictures of you I’ve seen so far, you look great, congrats you perfect little lady. Love you.

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