We’re Halfway There!

By September 14, 2012Blog

We went for our big ultra sound this week.Shawn was very excited to see the baby for the first time.  The ultra sound was very thorough.  We were able to see all the major organs including the kidneys, heart, and brain.  Everything was functioning normally and baby is a good size.  The gender was also confirmed.  Enjoy the new pics!






Author Mommy

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  • Grand D says:

    Very cool pics, I can’t believe it so clear. I wish they would have did that for me when I was pregnant. I really don’t think they did ultrasounds unless they thought something was wrong, not really sure. Thanks for sharing, I feel like my thoughts are confirmed!

  • angela says:

    So awesome!!!! Can’t wait to swaddle and snuggle the newest member of our family!

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