27 Weeks-Doctor’s Orders

By October 30, 2012Blog

This is a tough news week. Based on my current condition the doctor recommended that I stop working.  I will also be receiving some other treatments to make sure that our little guy stays in there longer and to help develop his lungs more quickly.  I rested over the weekend with Shawn and thought today, my first day alone, would be tough but it felt right to be sitting and relaxing and even getting a little extra sleep.  I am very sad about leaving my students and families but no job is worth risking baby’s health.   As far as our little man goes, he is healthy as can be.  He has hair on his head, and is moving around like crazy, especially after I eat Indian food. Last Thursday, he weighed 2 pounds 6 ounces already compared to what my blog says that he should be at about 2 pounds this week or the weight of a cauliflower.  Although his lungs are still immature, if he were born now,  they would be capable of functioning with medical help.  I’m in the last week of the second trimester. We’re in the home stretch!







Author Mommy

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  • Grand D says:

    Please continue to take care of yourself and our little man with plenty of bed rest, sleep and nutritional nourishment. I wish I could ship some of my sitting work over to you. Dad and I continue to pray daily for all of you and we are here for us should you need for anything. You know me… I am just waiting for the phone to ring, with the cry “MOM WE NEED YOU NOW”! Every mother’s dream, I would be there as quick as possible. Love you, Mom

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