29 Weeks

By November 17, 2012Blog

Baby is getting so big. He is the size of a butternut squash this week. He is busy putting on layers of fat and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his developing brain. Although it seems like I’m running out of womb, baby will double, maybe even triple his weight from now until birth. He has been trying to get comfortable in there by tucking his little feet into my ribs.  Not so pleasant feeling, but gives me a good laugh.  In other big news this week, we traded our Altima Sedan for a baby friendly Murano. It has an excellent safety rating and vents in the back so baby doesn’t overheat in the summer.  Our first SUV!  I feel like a soccer mom already. 😉






Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    We love butternut squash! Just bought one today at Whole Foods. If Baby Payne needs to borrow any fat, I would be happy to donate some. Love your new vehicle, very nice, congratulations to all! How does Chloe like the new SUV? She may have to get a booster seat to see out of the windows and I am not talking about Shawn’s lap. Love to All, only a little over a month til we see you all.

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