32 Weeks

By December 4, 2012Blog

Baby is 4 pounds now.  Try picking up a large jicama at your grocery store, (if you can find one).  His skin isn’t see through anymore thanks to the fat being stored and he has finger and toe nails.  I’ll gain about 1 pound per week and half will go just to baby.  Baby’s new nickname of the week:  “LEGATRON” because this little guy’s kicks can wake me out of a dead sleep.

Please keep my sister in your thoughts and prayers as she prepares for her battle against thyroid cancer.  She is the smartest, kindest, bravest sister anyone could have and I know she will get through this with your support and prayers.  Baby Payne needs his Auntie to be in tip top shape for play dates!  We love you Angie.


Author Mommy

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