35 Weeks-Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday Daddy!

By December 28, 2012Blog

Baby “L” was busy this week.  He is now the weight of a honeydew melon. He doesn’t have much room to maneuver now that he’s over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds or bigger in our case. Because he’s so snug in my womb, he isn’t likely to be doing somersaults anymore.  His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete – he’ll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.  We toured the birthing suites where this little guy will spend his first day.  They were quiet, private, and we love that baby stays in the room with us at all times. We had a wonderful visit from Mom and Dad for Christmas.  We celebrated Christmas Eve at our home and Christmas day at the Lawrences.  Auntie Angie is recovering from surgery very well and was a great hostess.  We received so many wonderful gifts for the baby.  We are so blessed to have family that loves him so much.  Towards the end of the week we had a blast celebrating Daddy’s 31 st birthday with flying helicopters, Mexican food, and ice cream cake.  Hope everyone had a joyful holiday!

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