Month 2

By March 17, 2013Blog, Months

This month has been crazy!  We found a great home for little Landon and decided to move.  The progress has been very slow. Moving with a newborn is tough to say the least.  But it will all be worth it in the end.   He will be closer to his Auntie Angie and soon his grandparents will be moving into their new house 3 miles from ours.   With the return to work I am realizing just how difficult it is balancing work and life. I find it challenging to be a great teacher and a great parent but I hope I will find a balance soon.  Landon is spending 6 hours a day with Grandma.  They are enjoying stroller walks to the grocery store in the warm spring weather.   Landon is looking forward to a visit from his Kentucky family for his baptism next month.  We can’t wait for everyone to see how much he’s grown!


Author Mommy

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