It’s my half birthday!

By July 16, 2013Blog

Landon’s got the looks and the personality.  He laughs all the time and is testing out his vocal cords with tons of silly sounds. Landon is very ticklish and loves hiding games such as peek-a-boo. He started solid foods this week but cried the entire time. This month we were challenged by teething and also stranger anxiety.  We are so excited that he got two teeth and that he is sitting all on his own.    He brings so much joy to our family. We just can’t wait to see him every morning to see what he will do next.


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Such a cute picture, he is a doll! I love being with him, he makes my day! Enjoying the library, mall, train rides and swimming pools. More adventure to come!

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