Month 8

By September 16, 2013Months

Landon is getting wiggly.
Swimmy kicks, tushy- up-in-the- air, and grunts will eventually pay off with forward movement. For now, he’s content on going backwards.  Landon was slow to roll but he is catching up.  Sunday morning Daddy found that Landon worked his way down to the very bottom of his crib and he had rolled onto his tummy.  Landon has also been experimenting with tone.  He uses a high-pitched tone to mimic the word “Hi” when we say hello to him and sometimes even initiates it when he sees us.  Landon is a little book-worm and he not only has favorite books but also favorite pages in them.  He anticipates the words and sounds on the pages from memory.  He gets tickled every time mommy roars like a lion.   There are more baby teeth on the way as well.  It appears his front teeth are just about to come through to add to that adorable smile.  We are looking forward to fall weather so we can enjoy first trips to the park.  For now we will continue are 6 am hikes to stay cool.


Author Mommy

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Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Look at those teeth shine. You are getting so big. See you all in a couple of months. Love to All

    Aunt Shannon

  • Angela says:

    He has the best fuzzy muppett hair. I hope he doesn’t lose it to “kid” hair anytime soon!

  • Shannon j says:

    We are ready to pack and have a nice visit. I hope I can get one of those great hugs! Tell him his cousin Mariah has chosen a few book to donate to his supply. She loves to read to others and loves to push strollers:)

  • Grandma says:

    Landon loves other babies and children, he is fascinated to watch them. I am sure he will love Mariah with that wonderful smile of hers.
    Love the picture with the little camera on the outfit. He does have some wild hair, it will be very interesting to see what it will be when he is older.
    His hugs are amazing and I feel blessed to get one or two everyday.

  • Mimi says:

    Landon you are so cute, I miss you so much, and can’t wait for your visit to Ky.
    Love you so much

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