Touch Down Daddy

By October 28, 2013Blog

Any given Sunday, you could have found your Daddy firmly planted on the couch and settled in for a LONG day of football.  Your Daddy is a football fanatic!  Things are different now.  When you came into the world it all changed.  Now Daddy doesn’t think twice about  replacing football time with family time every Sunday.  Lucky baby.  Lucky wife.  We love you Daddy!



Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Shawn is a great daddy and you are a great mommy! Landon is a very lucky boy. When a child is born, they become the most important person in your world. Your life will never be the same and you will never love anyone like you do your child. That is until…you become a grandma. All the love, fun and enjoyment without any of the responsibility! Love it!

  • Aunt Kristie says:

    What a great way to spend your weekend. Enjoy many more.

  • Mimi says:

    Landon you have such a great mommy & daddy and you have all of us that Love you so much, I’m so glad that your daddy spends so much time with you.
    Love you

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