I can do that!

By January 19, 2014Uncategorized

See what I’ve done this year!
Birth: nailed it

Me then: 7 lbs. 2oz  and 20 inches

Me now:23.7 lbs. and 31 inches (I tripled my birth weight and grew 11 inches in 1 year!  Ouch.)

Teeth: 10 including 1st molars

Hair: dark blonde

Eyes: blue

I can: roll, crawl, cruise on furniture, sleep all night, stand momentarily, take 3 steps, say at least 6 words, drink from a sippy cup, wave bye- bye, throw a ball, give kisses, self feed, and put myself to sleep.

I’m almost: Walking, feeding self with a spoon, and clapping.

I love: bubbles, baths, balloons, birds, things that go, my dog, snacking,dancing to music, reading books, crawling through tunnels, laughing/smiling and brushing teeth. 

I am: happy, kind, loving, observant, busy, and ALL BOY!



Author Mommy

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