It’s fun to be one

By January 19, 2014Uncategorized

Shawn and I took the day off from work to celebrate Landon turning one.  We loved our day at the Train Park in Scottsdale.  We rode a carousal, went inside a railway car from the early 1900’s, and hitched a ride on a child sized train.  It really is fun to be one.


Author Mommy

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  • Angela says:

    My baby email this week said the permanent eye color isn’t established until 9 months old….so with Landon being 1 now, I think it’s official– you have a blue eyed baby! How a baby that’s a 1/4 Puerto Rican can even have blue eyes just boggles my mind, but you got it!

    Looks like a nice day at the train park.

  • Barbara burk says:

    Great picture, what fun. He looks so big (tall)

  • Grandma says:

    Looks like a fun place, anxious to go with next time you go. Amanda, you look very pretty in your glasses.

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