Snowy Day

By December 19, 2014Blog

Finally real snow!  Landon played in snow for the first time at Desert Ridge Market place. Oddly enough it rained that day so Landon got to play in some puddles too! The outdoor shopping center shipped in 40 tons of snow to climb.  Landon made snow balls and loved throwing them of course!  He also  slid down on his bottom and thought this was a wonderful game.  What a wonderful first experience this was for him and great preparation for our trip to the mountains in January where Landon will celebrate his second birthday in the snow.  Check out these snow-ball-throwing action shots!


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Can’t wait to build a snowman in January for his birthday. Looks like mommy enjoyed the snow too. Brings back memories of snow in WI when you were little. Remember Snickers jumping snow banks?
    Glad you had this great family fun day!

  • Barbara says:

    Great pictures, looks like a lot of fun. If he really appreciates the snow, tell him to come to WI. We can teach him a new word “Blizzards.” LOL There is a radio station that has “elf radio” during Christmas time. The elf has a joke everyday. This week he said, “of course Wisconsinites know what Blizzards are, we have Dairy Queen, don’t we?
    I love the hat, did someone make it for him? SO cute.

  • aunt kristie says:

    That snow looks like it was so much fun!!! You guys have a great time on your trip to the mountains and give Landon some targets to throw snowballs at. Love you guys.

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