Egg Hunt @ Fireside

By March 28, 2015Blog

Happy Spring to all!  We celebrated spring at the Lawrence family’s community Easter Egg hunt.    Landon was excited about the 5 eggs he picked up. Hunter was happy to chew the few eggs he found.  Landon enjoyed a train ride and waved to everyone as we cruised around.  It was a sizzling 90 degrees so we indulged in the snow cones from the Kona ice food truck and later frolicked with furry friends in the petting zoo.  It was a race against the clock to get in all that fun before nap time.


Author Daddy

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  • Grandma says:

    Very cute, looks like a lot of fun. Love Landon’s new shades, one cool dude. I especially like the pic of him looking above his sunglasses, those stunning blue eyes. I am sure Hunter loved being with him.
    We have a beautiful family!

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