Phoenix Children’s Museum

By June 25, 2016Blog

We are so lucky that Auntie took us as her guests to our wonderful  Phoenix Children’s museum. This place is truly magical! The boys loved the 3 story climbing tunnels where you instantly feel like a “lost boy” from Peter Pan. The  ocean exhibit was a big hit too. They were able to swim through sea weed (pool noodles)  and find a secret place to hide in the coral.  The icing on the cake for Landon was a yummy brunch afterwards at The Corner and a Fractured Prune doughnut for desert. Watch him devour that doughnut but don’t blink or you’ll miss it! 😆


Author Daddy

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  • Grandma says:

    It’s really a fun place! Took Hunter there today and they had a singer complete with bubble machines. His name was Cookie Jar. I think Papa even had a good time!
    Beautiful pictures as always! So glad they could share the day together!

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Great pictures!! Can’t believe how fast you are growing up. Hugs and kisses from Kentucky.

  • Sue Payne says:

    Landon Mimi is just getting caught up on all your pictures I love them Thank you for sharing Looks like you had a great time

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