Food Experience – Fruit

By July 17, 2016Videos

Every Sunday evening we plan a food activity with Landon. Sometimes we cook but other times we experiment with new tastes. This activity has quickly become a favorite time of the week. Last Sunday our food experience was exotic fruits.  Not only do these activities encourage Landon to try new foods but we also only offer him nutritious foods so we can teach him about making healthy food choices. Enjoy!!


Author Daddy

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  • Grandma says:

    So cute! Amanda you are a wonderful mom! Such a great experience for Landon.

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Loved the video!!! It is so great to see the things you do felt like I was right there with you just waiting for my bite. Hugs from Kentucky. Love you bunches

  • Sue Payne says:

    Landon you are one lucky little guy your have such a great Mommy & Daddy, you learn how to do all this so when I come for a visit you can fix me dinner. Love you

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