Packing for school

By July 27, 2016Videos

Here’s a little video showing how we got Landon ready for school!


Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Way to go Landon!! You are so big.. Can’t wait to hear about school..Hugs & Kisses from Kentucky..

  • Grandma says:

    Amanda you are so cute with his lunch! He’s such a lucky boy! The only thing I found a little off was that he was ready and leaving for school but he had no shoes on, tee hee.
    Great video, Shawn, I always enjoy them.
    Love you all!

  • Sue Payne says:

    Love Landon lunch, Amanda what a cute way to do the cheese, Made me want to cry when he was walking out the door with that back pack and lunch , I know his teacher will love him

  • Bernie says:

    Love the video.

  • Linda says:

    How adorable. Car cheese, who would have thought of that? Pretty cool. Loved all the back pack items and the lunch box. Thanks for sharing.
    Aunt Linda

  • Kristie Hawkins says:

    Hi Landon. You are going to have such an exciting and fun filled year this year. I love your video, as always. Love you, Aunt Kristie

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