3 Months to Go!

By July 10, 2017Blog

We can hardly believe that in just three short months our family of three will become four. We can not wait to meet this spunky little guy, and we know he’s spunky  because he never stops moving, wiggling, and kicking.  

Despite the discomfort from scorching temperatures we feel so grateful that this pregnancy has been progressing normally. Landon is adjusting to the changes well too. He puts his lips against mommy’s belly button to talk to baby and tell him how much he loves him.  We’ve also given Landon the honor of naming his baby brother. He picked a name 6 months ago and hasn’t waivered.

At the last check up baby was head down and measuring just a tiny bit larger so he may definitely be a September baby.  This is officially the last baby for us so we wanted to capture and always remember the miracle of pregnancy and how blessed we are to be able to raise incredible human beings.  As always, Daddy has a way of capturing the beauty in every day small moments.


Author Daddy

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