Fun Run Fundraiser

By August 24, 2017Videos

Landon dominated the Fun Run today; at one point he was so fast came out of his shoe. Pretty amazing to see how competitive he’s getting and an endless amount of energy he has.

How many laps do you think Landon completed? Thanks for your fundraiser support, we hope you enjoy the video.


Author Daddy

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  • Grandma says:

    OMG! I want to eat him up! Soooo cute! Obviously, an athlete like his daddy. Awesome, so proud of you buddy! Wish I could have been there!

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    You Nailed It!!! Awesome job Landon. I had no doubt you could do all 35 laps. You are one amazing kid. Miss you bunches. Hugs & Kisses from Kentucky.

  • Mimi says:

    Way to go Landon so proud of you. Love you More then you will every know

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