Welcome Easton

By October 23, 2017Blog

It’s only been two weeks since our little bundle of joy arrived and yet it seems like he’s always been a part of our family.  We are so thankful for this new addition and his perfect health.  Easton is a very easy baby; only crying for his needs. We’ve enjoyed interacting with him the few hours a day he opens his eyes.  We’ve caught site of his adorable dimples in his cheeks in those first (involuntary) smiles.  Daddy can’t wait to make him smile and laugh more. Landon is so proud of his brother and enjoys holding, feeding, and reading baby books to him.  Teachers at school say he talks about his brother all the time.  Landon, you are an amazing big brother! We just love this little family we have grown and are so thankful God has given us these beautiful boys.  Sending love and thinking of all of you during those lonely late night feedings and sleepless nights. All the support you give us gets us through. Love you all.



Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Welcome to the family Easton!!! I can’t wait to meet you and be able to hold you & give you all kinds of kisses. You have an awesome mommy & daddy and an amazing brother Landon who is going to show you the ropes. Hugs & Kisses from Kentucky. Love to all, Aunt Shannon

  • Grandma says:

    Beautiful family welcomes beautiful baby! He is gorgeous and perfect just like his older brother.
    God’s blessings for continued health, love and happiness!

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