1 Month

By November 8, 2017Months

You’re 1 month today!

Easton, we can’t even believe a month has passed since you came into our world.  It flew by in a blur and yet it feels like you’ve always been ours.  This month you hit a major growth spurt.  You’ve grown 1.5 inches and gained 2 pounds.  You are very tall compared to babies your age but average in weight.  You’ve developed a social smile and let me tell you, it is an incredibly gorgeous smile. You have a pleasent disposition and when you are awake you are very alert. Soon mommy will head back to work and that will be the saddest day but we know Grandma will make sure you know how loved you are.  We are enjoying our lazy days and cuddle sessions together.  Daddy is working so hard for us despite helping mommy in the night time too (you have one awesome daddy).  We can’t wait to continue to grow with you and get to know you more.  We love you sweet boy.



Author Daddy

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  • Barbara Burk says:

    Sweet picture, little cutie, congrats.

  • Grandma says:

    Love the outfit, he has a lot of style just like his brother.
    Such a little Sweetheart! Miss cuddling him, can’t wait to come back and see all of you.
    Love you guys, give each other a squeeze from Grandma!

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    My sweet Easton you are so precious. Can’t believe you are a month old today. Can’t wait to cuddle with you. Sending hugs & kisses from Kentucky. Mommy and daddy give Landon & Easton hugs from me. Love you!!

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