2 Months

By December 9, 2017Months

Easton had a massive growth spurt between his first and second month; gaining 2.5 inches in length and 4 lbs.  He’s in the 98th percentile  for height and 93rd percentile for weight.  He smiles and coos often when he’s not snoozing.  He demonstrates his increased strength with tummy time; easily lifting his neck and head off the floor and “airplaning.” His hand-eye coordination and confidence is improving when he bats at hanging toys and hits his target.  You’ll most likely find him snuggled up next to the lighted Christmas tree.  This was mommy’s first week back at work and it was really hard on mommy but Easton smiles so big every time he sees Grandma. It melts our heart.  This month we are looking forward to Christmas as a family of four and a long winter’s nap. 😴🎄


Author Daddy

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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Kristie Hawkins says:

    Congratulations Easton on 2 months and counting. Looks like Landon is the next photographer for the family. Take care and have a Merry Christmas!!

  • Barb Burk says:

    Adorable, so happy he is doing well.

  • Dorothy Paaske says:

    Gorgeous baby, part of a wonderful family! Makes me so happy to see Landon love his brother so much and to be so kind to him! When Landon says to Easton that he will take care of him forever, it makes me cry! Sooo sweet. Whether Mommy is working or not, she is one of the best mommys I have ever known! Of course, daddy is equally as good of a daddy. Must have had great role models! 😉😘

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