Landon’s 5

By January 20, 2018Blog

Landon planned every detail of his 5th birthday party from the location, right down to the cake.

That just shows how mature he is getting. This year Landon is showing more interest in games versus toys.  Another sign that he is maturing. He also began to spend more and more time engaged in independent play. He has made so much progress this year with his writing and recently became obsessed with drawing. He spent nearly every night drawing with daddy (he just discovered daddy can draw). ☺️  This year was a great bonding year for Landon and Shawn. They are beginning to share more interests together.  It’s so fun to see their relationship changing.  Of course a lot of that was due to the pregnancy and arrival of his brother.  We are so proud of how he welcomed Easton with open arms and has never shown an ounce of jealousy towards him. He looks forward to greeting and hugging him every morning.  There is nothing sweeter than seeing those two boys interact. Landon is an amazing brother and little human.  He is so loving and very entertaining.  We enjoy him so much at every age. We hit the parental jackpot with this one! 😂  We hope you enjoy our photos from his 5th birthday party!


Author Daddy

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