Month 10

By September 2, 2018Months

Month 1o was full of exciting firsts for Easton. He’s developing so quickly and it’s so hard to believe that in about 1 month he’ll celebrate his first birthday.

This month Bear took his first steps and can stand independently.  He loves meal time and can drink from a straw cup now. He says three words daddy, mama, and Lanlin (Landon). He loves to dance to music and read Good Night Moon. Chasing Landon around the ottoman is a hilarious and fun past time for him.  Also, falling backwards and than laughing about it.  We can’t even handle all his facial expressions sometimes. He’s so expressive.  This month was a little tough due to four new teeth coming in at once and one little cold too. But he’s back to being our healthy and strong bear.


Author Daddy

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  • Grandma says:

    Love this guy, his smile just fills my heart! Swimming with him is a wild experience! He is such a strong, active boy.
    Love him to the moon and back! 😘

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