Month 7

By August 17, 2013Months

Landon was a busy boy this past month! We started Landon on solid food.  He was not thrilled with his first bites of baby food but has really warmed up to meal time. Landon eats only organic and whole foods and has tasted plain water for the first time this month.  A combo Landon enjoyed this month was peas,pears,green beans, and chia seeds.  Landon does very well mashing food.   He’s even practicing chewing Organic  Super Puffs. His favorite part of meal time are the few sips of water he gets from a sippy or regular cup.  He finds it to be very refreshing!   Landon hasn’t rolled over but we are working hard with him. He is able to roll to his side now independently.  Landon sits very well and rarely tips over he also stands very easily for long periods of time.  Landon is showing interest in crawling by doing baby push ups during tummy time and by doing swim kicks on the floor.   This month Landon became a member of National Geographic Kids Club.  Landon attended his first baby gym class and loved interacting with all the other babies. He also spent the day at the Phoenix Children’s Museum. Landon celebrated his 7 month birthday with Grandma by riding a giant panda at the mall.  He loved it!  As a family we celebrated Landon’s 7 month birthday at Portillo’s. Sharing this “Chicago experience” with Landon was very special for us.




Author Mommy

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Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Grandma says:

    Very cute, great picture! I was wondering what month you would have to stop holding him like that.

  • Angela says:

    His face is changing so much. He is looking more like a little boy and less like a baby…

  • Bernie Gonzalez says:

    It’ so nice to see his smile. He his adorable!
    However he looks like he’s doing a Salsa step in the photo.

  • Great Aunt Barb says:

    Wow, he is growing up so fast. Great review of the month, thanks for sharing.

  • Shannon j says:

    Can’t wait to meet him in person!

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Hey Landon, I know we always write the same old stuff, but you are just growing up so fast and tooo stinking cute. Can’t wait till you get to come to Kentucky with mommy & daddy and meet your uncle’s and cousins. We love you all and miss you lots.

  • Aunt Kristie says:

    Landon, what a great picture with you and mom. I loved seeing those pearly whites, and that your keeping those big, beautiful blue eyes. You are definitely hitting some baby milestones and looking like a strong little boy. Tell your mom and dad “hi” and that the Hawkins family sends there love.

    Hugs and Kisses

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