12 Weeks

By July 17, 2012Blog

Baby is the size of a lime this week!

While baby has been busy growing, I’ve been working hard to keep food down.  Usually morning sickness begins to subside around this time but for me it has just recently hit.  I felt frustrated, at first, since I’ve been feeling so well all along, however, I know it just means baby is happily growing so it makes all the yucky feelings worth it.  I also recently had my 11 week checkup.  With no real changes to by body yet, I sometimes wake up and wonder if baby is still doing well in there.  Listening to that little heart beat twice as fast as mine gives me the most euphoric feeling.  Looking forward, I can not wait until September 6 when we have the BIG ultrasound.  We will get to see all of the organs and possibly learn the gender if baby wants to show us. Everyone else will just have to wait until the shower to learn the gender.  Sorry!


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    I love our little lime already, wish I could hear the heartbeat. Eat what you can that is nutritionally sound and drink alot of water. If you have a better stomach at odd times of the day, go with it! Crystalized Ginger is really good for nausea, I know all the healthier food stores have it. Now, is the time to take care of our little Dorothy/Greg 🙂

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