Month 9

By October 20, 2013Months

Landon was busy during month 9.

Landon is on the development express train!   This month alone he learned to go from tummy to sitting and sitting to crawling all in a few weeks.  He’s very excited about pulling up on anything to stand but can’t do it on his own yet.  He is enjoying being more mobile and we have the adorable evidence to prove it posted here on the blog.  Landon also got 6 teeth this month all at once!  Sadly, there were many 3 am wake up calls from our little guy crying in pain.  Landon had a huge growth spurt since his 6 month well baby visit.  Sadly all those cute outfits mommy picked out before he was born are not getting much use.  This poor little guy is wearing his Christmas pj’s in October.  Landon in 29 inches tall and weighs 22 1/2 pounds which translates to him wearing size 12- 18 months.  We do think his growth spurts are coming to an end now that he is approaching the end of his first year.  This month we are looking forward to Landon’s first Halloween celebration.  What’s cuter than babies?  Babies in costumes of course!


Author Mommy

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  • Mimi says:

    Miss you Landon, there are just enough words to tell you how much I wish one of us was closer I never had any of my grandbabies not close to me but distance can’t stop the Love I have for you ,you have a Great daddy and mommy , I will visit you and you can visit me in Ky. Love you


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