14 Weeks

By August 4, 2012Blog

Baby is the size of a lemon this week.  I’m still waiting for my belly to pop out though.  I can not wait to look obviously pregnant.  For sure my waist is thickening and I’m still so bloated I appear to be 6 months along! I always start out in the morning with a flat tummy so I know I have not gotten my real belly yet.  I’ve read several comments on pregnancy blogs which claim it happens seemingly overnight.  So each morning I check the mirror just in case that’s true. 🙂

On a side note:  A women walked into my work while I was  at the front desk to possibly enroll her child and told me her name.  I said, “Oh, I think you are my doctor!”  I was so excited that I finally met the woman that MAY deliver our baby since I have only been seeing one of her nurse practitioners since I began my pre-natal care.  She was very nice and laughed a little about the fact that she didn’t know me yet.  Too bad her child isn’t old enough to be in my room.  I may have gotten a discount. 🙂


Author Mommy

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