“Congratulations you’re having a…”

By August 15, 2012Blog

Sorry, the gender can only be revealed at the shower so you’ll just have to wait!  I went in for an ultrasound on Monday to determine why I was having some pretty intolerable pain .  Of course, everything appears normal, just “growing pains,” as I like to call them.  I told the the ultra sound tech that we are dying to know the gender however our scheduled ultra sound wasn’t for a few more weeks and Shawn planned on attending the big reveal. The tech and I agreed that she would write down the gender so that Shawn and I could share the moment later that evening.  Armed with a sealed envelope and some adorable new baby pics, I made the long drive out to my sister’s home where we are staying this week.  When it was time for the big reveal, we both sat down together on the couch; we were completely giddy.  I opened the envelope and inside was a simple, white, folded note that said:

Congratulations! You are having a…. and that was that.  First I cried, then we laughed. This special gift of being able to know the gender so early on makes all the “growing pains”  much more tolerable and made this whole pregnancy a complete reality. 

Baby's profile




Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    OMG! I am in love with the profile already, how sweet. I do feel a little robbed that being the grandma, I don’t get to know either but I will respect your wishes and be a good girl. So glad everything is going well, looks like one beautiful baby to me 🙂

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