Month 11

By December 16, 2013Months

Hello Mr. Smarty pants!
This month, Landon’s language skills have exploded.  He repeats many words including “brrrrrrr!!!’ when mommy says it’s cold outside and “bird” when we notice that he is listening to tweeting outside his window.  He also says “ball” when he sees them. The especially adorable words of  the month are whoa and wow.  Landon couldn’t hold back when he would see a beautifully decorated Christmas tree he would just stare and say “WOW!”

Also, special this month was Landon’s first St. Nick celebrated on December 6.  Traditionally, children have their stockings filled with sweets and fruits. Landon got a soft, cuddly, elephant named “Elly,” a wind up penguin, and a bath duck that lights up.  He also got some Cuties which he enjoys by sucking the juice out and spitting out the rest of that silly stuff that no one could chew. Sadly, Landon got his first cold this month.  Thought we could make it to his first birthday but alas the germs won.

Shockingly, Landon took his first steps this month, 3 to be exact.  He let go of the nursery recliner and ran for his life to mommy.  Mommy was in shock.   This month Landon will take his first flight to Kentucky and share his first Christmas with the Payne family.  A big adventure awaits us!

Oh, did we mention, Landon puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!! I’m talking, lint, fuzz,hair,fur, cords, dog food (yes it happened), keys, phones, remotes, shoes, socks… get it right?


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Love that child, even if he shared his first cold with grandma. My fault really, I couldn’t stop hugging and kissing him even if he was sick.
    I will miss him for Christmas but I know I must share with the Paynes in KY. I will count the days until you return. Like grandpa says, “You are one cool dude”.

  • Angela says:

    This is such a cute picture! I just want to shower him with hugs and kisses!

  • Barbara burk says:

    Wow, he is growing fast and has so many new developments. Nice to see a strong healthy happy baby. May God continue to bless you all.

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