17 Weeks

By August 23, 2012Blog

The bump has arrived!  It’s small, but I couldn’t be more excited to show it off.  Baby is the size of a turnip this week and growing fast.  Along with the arrival of the bump my nesting instincts have kicked into high gear.  Over the weekend we purchased a glider for the nursery, and ordered the crib sheets. Grandma and Grandpa Dorothy and Greg purchased the crib and changing table for us.  We have acquired quite a few things in a short amount of time for baby.  As a result, the office was re-located to our bedroom so we could begin creating a space for baby. We are trying to make our “cozy” condo last as long as it can and I think we are doing really well.

Baby and me at work


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    OMG! You are darling, not at all “fat” like you are telling me. Now, I am all kinds of confused as to what you are having. Are we going to get some pics of the nursery or do we have to wait for the shower?
    I love you and you look great! Much smaller than I ever was at that stage. Still love the hair!

  • amanda says:

    Thank you! I need the confidence boost.

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