18 Weeks

By August 30, 2012Blog

Baby is the size of a bell pepper this week or a sweet potato depending on the website. I’m happy to have my “real” bump now but I can’t say I’ve felt any fetal movement so far.  I should be pretty close to feeling those first flutters soon.  Obsessive compulsive cleaning and organizing reared its ugly head this week.  I looked at the piles of mail and clutter and told Shawn, “I feel defeated by life.”  So I cleaned my entire home from top to bottom on a Tuesday night.  Shawn has been working so hard every night this week as well; taking on extra hours working from home.  Baby has no idea we are working so hard just to get ready for him/her.  🙂

Two yummy food discoveries this week for my sour and ice cream cravings.  I found this great organic Italian soda in lemon flavor that satisfies even my strongest sour cravings.  Also, Ben & Jerry’s is making Greek Frozen Yogurt in amazing flavors like Blueberry Vanilla Graham Cracker.  De-lish!

More bump pictures coming soon!



Author Mommy

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