19 weeks

By September 7, 2012Blog

Baby is the size of a mango this week.  We received several early shower gifts this week and also picked out paint for the nursery. Everyone at work commented on how much my belly has popped out and it feels great to have proof that the little one is really in there.  I have to say I have been blessed with very little discomfort or nausea throughout my pregnancy and supposedly now that I am in the second trimester I should be in the clear.  For me however, my discomfort has just shown up.  Sleeping has already become very uncomfortable and I have non-stop indigestion and heartburn from the moment I wake up until I go to bed at night. Shawn has been such a loving support system for me.  He has picked up the slack with the housework, cooking, and even fixed the toilet last weekend all while working an additional 15 hours each week for his company.  I couldn’t ask for a better daddy-to-be.

Besides sleeping sitting up, anyone have any good advice for indigestion?


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Wow! You got me there, I never had heartburn or indigestion. I had two things, after seven months, I had to sleep stting up and at eight months (with both of you) I had a flu like thing. The first one ended me up in the hospital because I got dehydrated, the second time, I just started drinking water like crazy and I was fine. I find the crystallized ginger that you get in spice places and health food stores really helps when my tummy is upset and it’s natural and good for you. I would give it a shot, it really improves digestion overall. Good Luck!

  • Jackie Burk says:

    I’m no help for indigestion, sorry! I slept sitting up for a while for nausea purposes. I’m so glad you didn’t have much nausea though! Yay for the second trimester!

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