Grown with Love (23 weeks)

By October 6, 2012Blog

Fall is in the air…  and there is something that needs to be said about fall eating.  I’ve eaten an apple everyday for two weeks and indulged in apple pie a la mode every night.  I have searched for pumpkin cream cheese muffins at every Starbucks in town.  This weekend I  plan to introduce baby to the bliss that is Grandma’s famous chili.  Needless to say this baby has been grown with love (and a little pie).  Happy Fall!



Author Mommy

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  • Grand D says:

    Very cute. Hopefully, the weather will cool down a bit, so you will be more comfortable. Apples are a great food to have cravings for, great for you and baby. Can’t wait to see you all, not long now. 🙂

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