Landon is 2!

By January 16, 2015Blog

Our baby boy is growing up.There are no words to describe how precious our son is to us.  It’s unbelievable how much he has learned in such a short amount of time.  At the same time, the feeling is bitter sweet.  It breaks our heart how independent he has become. He tells us “no mommy/daddy!” “Landon do it.” But we know that our son is on the right track to becoming a productive little citizen.  This year has been an exciting one for Landon.  He saw the beach and ocean for the first time and today he’ll play in the snow for the first time. We could not be more proud of him.  Happy Birthday sweet Landon!!

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Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Happy 2nd Birthday Landon!! You are the sweetest little man. Enjoy your day in the snow. We love and miss you. Birthday hugs and kisses from Kentucky.

  • mimi says:

    Happy 2nd Birthday Landon, you have grown so much and I just love everything about you You have such a sweet little smile love to hear you talk , love to watch you play I know you had a great birthday sorry I could not be there but I was there in sprit you have such a Great Mommy & Daddy they take such good care of you.

    Love You

  • Grandma says:

    Papa and I really enjoyed your birthday and playing in the snow.
    You are a very special and loveable little boy. Landon, you have a very special place in our hearts and we love you very much!
    May you have a hundred more!

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