Happy Spring

By March 18, 2015Blog

There is nothing better than spring time in the desert.  With everything blooming and the perfect weather it’s hard to be in a bad mood.  These spring time cuties are sure to warm you up if your weather is less than desirable.


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    What great pictures! You know my next question… how do I get copies? Love my little grandbabies so much, they are by far the cutest ever!

  • Barbara Burk says:

    Beautiful pictures.It is so nice that the boys are together.Children are beautiful inside and out.If only we could keep the childlike innocence, love and carefree happiness as adults.

  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Great pictures!! Landon you are growing up to fast. Wish you were closer to hug and kiss on more. Love the pictures of you and Hunter with the bunny. Hug & Kisses from Kentucky!!

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