28 Weeks-3rdTrimester!

By November 8, 2012Blog

I am so happy to share good news today! All my bed resting and medicating is paying off. My problem is reversing itself and the doctor was very pleased with these results. I will continue doing what I have been doing and hopefully he will stay cozy in there for 12 more weeks! He is the size of an eggplant this week or a chinese cabbage. Not sure why my uterus is the size of a basketball but, I guess he needs room to grow. He has been kicking really hard these days. Maybe he will follow in his daddy’s footsteps.:) I want to share with you some updates to the nursery and also some of the shower gifts. Enjoy!


Author Mommy

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  • Grand D says:

    I dreamnt last night I was holding my little grandson. Weird though, he had red little spikey hair. I asked how did that happen and you laughed and said, “That is the same question Shawn is asking”. Too funny, you are all on my mind in my prayers always, even when I am sleeping. Our little baby boy is going to be born after Jan. 1. I just know it! He is going to be beautiful, perfect and strong, just like his parents. Love to All!

  • Ashleigh says:

    Yay! I’m so glad all your resting paid off! The nursery looks adorable! I want to come see it in person!

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