31 Weeks

By November 28, 2012Blog

We are running out of fruit! Baby is the weight of four naval oranges this week, about 3.3 pounds.  In two weeks we will go for a growth check and I’m so excited to get to see him again since I am no longer getting regular ultrasounds.  I am so excited to celebrate Christmas this year.  This is the first time in 5 years that Shawn and I are able  to have a Christmas tree.  He spent the weekend decking the halls and turning our home into a winter wonderland.  It brings me so much joy to see my beautiful tree.  I’ve been moving around a little bit more here and there since things have been going so well but I still take plenty of time to rest everyday. 


Author Mommy

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  • Grandma says:

    Grandpa has a hard time with multiple fruits, he said he can’t imagine that. His suggestion is a small round watermelon, you know dad, he always has ideas. I can’t wait to spend Christmas Eve at your place, Shawn is so artistic, I am sure it’s beautiful. We are almost into Dec., not long now! Love you all very much, my prayers and thoughts are with you in AZ.

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