Food Experience – No Bake S’mores

By July 19, 2016Videos

Another Sunday food experience. Our healthy version of smores; no tent or fire required. 🍫


Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Landon you are so amazing…Love all the video’s mommy and daddy share with us. Hey what what is that tattoo on your arm of?? Love you bunches. Hugs & kisses!!!!

  • Grandma says:

    Love the videos, so precious! Hunter enjoyed watching with me.

  • Barbara says:

    So sweet, what a fun idea. I always say get them cooking young. I took all of you to cooking classes at the public school in summer and you all enjoyed it. However, I have to say Craig seemed to like it the most. It’s paying off now, he is a great cook. Landon is growing up so fast, great video. It looks like he is loving the S’mores.

  • Sue Payne says:

    How cute , I loved the way he licks his fingers , got to get off yours hands some how don’t you Landon.

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