Back to school

By July 24, 2016Videos

I can’t believe his first day at district preschool is here! We couldn’t be more excited for him to be a little Spartan! This was our first time shopping for school supplies so it was a special  time for us. Mommy only had to wrestle a few people to get that 3 inch white binder everyone seemed to need this year. There was definitely  some aggressive cart bumping going on. 😆Despite all the craziness, we feel so proud of our little man. We know he’ll be a star in room 111 with Ms. Kristine.  We will keep you posted  on his many success that are sure to come this year.


Author Mommy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Can’t believe this time has come…Watching the video brought tears to my eyes but also laughter watching you shop. I may be a long way away but always remember if you need anything I will get it to you. Good Luck on your first day of school. Can’t wait to see pictures. Love you lots.

  • Grandma says:

    Such a cute video, I don’t remember back to school shopping hat much fun! Even made Hunter smile! So he needed an octopus? Too cute! Love you all!

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