Month 3

By January 7, 2018Months

We blinked and you are three months old. This month you discovered your hands and have traded in your pacifier for soft chubby fingers. You giggled for the first time when daddy nuzzled your armpit.  Later in the week, mommy tickled under your arms and you couldn’t contain yourself.  The laughter was bursting out and it was sweet music to our ears.  It’s tough to get that sound to come out but we keep trying to hear it again.  You’ve been on a nursing strike on and off this month but mama is determined to give you milk to keep you healthy.  A cold took down the whole family but mommy nursed you right through it and you stayed healthy for your first Christmas.  You slept through most of the festivities but it was a joy to see you and your brother share your first Christmas. Did I mention you are the happiest little guy and a big talker?! You have so many babbling sounds and love sticking out your tongue.  Your favorite activities are bath time, floor play, and singing. You are not very fond of stroller walks, tummy time, and car rides. This month we are looking forward to big brother turning 5 and finally moving you into your own room when we move to our new house at the end of the month!  We love you so much sweet baby boy.


Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Easton, Can’t believe you are 3 months old today. So glad we got to watch you and Landon open your Christmas gifts. Can’t wait to give you and Landon hugs and kisses in a couple of months. Keep growing (but not to much). Love you guys so much. Aunt Shannon

  • Dorothy Paaske says:

    Beautiful baby, love watching you get bigger by the hour! You are blessed with a loving brother who adores you. We all love you to the moon and back! 😘😘😘

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