Month 4

By February 11, 2018Blog, Months

Month four was a busy month! We moved into the new house and finally set up the nursery for Easton.  We think it turned out so cute and wanted to share some photos of his monochromatic decor. We are happy to report that our good health has been restored after several weeks of sniffles and sneezes. We are so grateful to Grandma and Grandpa for all the help managing the sick ward. It definitely takes a villiage. Easton weighs 18 pounds now! He’s wearing size 9-12 month clothes. He loves sucking and licking toys and continues to enjoy reaching for hanging toys.  His grip is outstanding. He’s grabbing onto clothing and hair with a death grip. You’ve been warned! He’s also working on rolling over this month but still needs help getting over. Landon has given him a nick name, “squishy” but pronounced sqwooshie.  Landon also decided to call his teacher this name as well at school. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Thank goodness she is a kind woman with a good sense of humor. We are loving our walks in the new community and the amazing game room.  Landon already swam in the new pool.  Although the pool is heated the rest of us are going to give it a few more weeks before taking the plunge.  Hope you enjoy the photos!


Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Easton you are growing so fast. Can’t wait to give you all kinds of hugs and kisses. Landon can’t believe you have already been in the pool we will definitely have to do that when I get to town. Love you guys so much. Hugs and kisses from Kentucky.

  • Grandma says:

    Very cute, the house will all come together with all the hard work.
    Love our boys!

  • Barbara says:

    Adorable! Truett and Everett had the cloud and raindrop mobile.He looks like a very happy baby.

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