8 Months

By July 2, 2018Blog, Months

These posts are getting more and more challenging. This speedy crawler doesn’t stop-not even for a second. He’s got that “I don’t want to take this picture” look on his face.  Read on to see what else we’re up to this month!

During Easton’s 8th month he became an expert crawler and is pulling to stand and cruise along furniture. His two front teeth came in and they make his smile even more adorable. He loves meal time especially self feeding pieces of meat and fruit.  He loves outings with his big brother and luckily we’re finding plenty of indoor parks for the boys to enjoy to escape the heat.  Also, Easton tried out the splash pad this month and  had no fear. He’s definitely a water baby.   Next month we are looking forward to tagging along on daddy’s business trip, Easton’s first Fourth of July, and celebrating Papa’s birthday (21 again right?) Last, but definitely not least, looking forward to a celebration of love that continues to grow. Shawn, thank you for loving me so well, doing the dishes because I hate to, putting up with my Target addiction, iced coffee EVERY morning and being my partner on this crazy but amazing journey. Happy 11 years! 😘


Author Daddy

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Kristie Hawkins says:

    What a little, young man Easton is turning into!! Love you guys!!!

  • Grandma says:

    Love you guys and while Easton is a hard baby to keep up with, I feel like he keeps me young and I couldn’t love him more! Landon is becoming a great young man and a fantastic big brother.
    Happy Anniversary, Shawn and Amanda! May God Bless you with many, many more!

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