Month Nine

By July 30, 2018Blog, Months

Easton is such a big boy. He has the sweetest personality and is very social. Daddy captured the cutest photos of him eating an apple in celebration of back to school.He’s been flashing that smile and showing us his new teeth. He’s got his mama’s teeth which I affectionaly have named the “Gonzalez Gap.”ย ๐Ÿ˜ Easton eats almost all table foods now and self feeds most of the time. ย He loves crawling through tunnels or under tables and chairs. He prefers cruising along furniture but is still mainly crawling to get around fast. He’s very independent during play and prefers to play with safe household objects over his own toys. ย What will he do without his best playmate? Landon starts Kindergarten in 1 week!!! They are the best of friends and I know he’s going to be crawling around the house looking for Landon. ย Two more days and then Mommy will be home full time. We are still going to visit Grandma regularly though and we are so grateful for the love and care she provided not only for Landon and Easton but for us too. ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ




Author Daddy

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  • Aunt Shannon says:

    Love these pictures!! He is getting so big. I just want to hug and kiss him so bad. Hope Landon has a awesome school year can’t wait to hear about his first day and all the friends he meets. If you think about it send me a picture of Landon’s first day of school. Love you guys so much and miss you. Hugs and Kisses from Kentucky!!!

  • Grandma says:

    It has been such a joy helping with these two wonderful boys. They are loving, affectionate and such great playmates. I will miss them on a daily basis but am so glad they will have mommy at home. Nothing like having mom around full time. I know Landon will do great in kindergarten and I am so happy he got into Spanish emmersion program. Hoping he will be able to teach the whole family! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Love all of you and I will always be here, if you need me! ๐Ÿ˜˜

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