Month 4

By May 17, 2013Blog, Months

Landon had a huge growth spurt between month 3 and 4.  He’s 16 pounds now and 25 inches long.  Teething has begun so he is constantly chewing on his little hands and fingers.  He was pretty miserable in the beginning of the month but seems to be a little happier now.  Still no sign of those pearly whites just yet.  He also began sucking his thumb this month but only to fall asleep at night. He had his first dip in the pool but found it a little too chilly.  Landon celebrated mommy for his first Mother’s day and took his first trip to Best Buy with daddy. Daddy also took  Landon to his 4 month checkup alone.  He voice recorded the entire session so mommy didn’t have to miss a thing. 😉 He loves being on his tummy and really wants to crawl.  Our little Meatball isn’t rolling over yet but we expect that it will be any day now since he is trying to move in every way possible.  He’s began to babble in many sounds and even mimics words he hears. We can’t wait until this little guy is on the move!


Author Daddy

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