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8 Months

By | Blog, Months | 2 Comments

These posts are getting more and more challenging. This speedy crawler doesn’t stop-not even for a second. He’s got that “I don’t want to take this picture” look on his face.  Read on to see what else we’re up to this month!

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Peach Fest at Schnepf Farm

By | Blog, Videos | 2 Comments

We spent Mother’s Day morning at the Peach festival. It was quite warm and also in the middle of morning nap time. You’ll see someone in the video who wasn’t too pleased about that!  Kindly a lady on the tractor ride handed over one of her peaches to keep our little peach happy. Enjoy! 🍑

Welcome home

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I love these before and after photos!  Not just because the after photo shows off our beautiful new home but because they captured our growing family.  We feel so blessed to get a new home but more blessed for the family that will create memories within it.

Month 4

By | Blog, Months | 3 Comments

Month four was a busy month! We moved into the new house and finally set up the nursery for Easton.  We think it turned out so cute and wanted to share some photos of his monochromatic decor. Read More