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Landon’s Christmas Concert

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Landon’s dual language preschool class performed their 2017 Christmas Concert and it was adorable. They performed several songs in both English and Spanish along with props and movements. We hope you enjoy the video, let us know what you think.

Easton’s Playtime

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Easton and I had a little alone time and I wanted to document some of his early development. Sometimes, photos just aren’t enough;  I hope you enjoy this short type of video.

Christmas At the Princess

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We are so lucky in Arizona to enjoy many outdoor winter activities.  Grandma and Grandpa treated us to a wonderful Christmas festival at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. This resort goes all out for Christmas and really put us in a holiday mood. Grandma was taking good care of Easton while we enjoyed rides so unfortunately they aren’t featured.   Also, Auntie was busy with activities and Hunter but we enjoyed our time with them as well.  Hope you like our little video.

2 Months

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Easton had a massive growth spurt between his first and second month; gaining 2.5 inches in length and 4 lbs.  He’s in the 98th percentile  for height and 93rd percentile for weight.  He smiles and coos often when he’s not snoozing.  He demonstrates his increased strength with tummy time; easily lifting his neck and head off the floor and “airplaning.” His hand-eye coordination and confidence is improving when he bats at hanging toys and hits his target.  You’ll most likely find him snuggled up next to the lighted Christmas tree.  This was mommy’s first week back at work and it was really hard on mommy but Easton smiles so big every time he sees Grandma. It melts our heart.  This month we are looking forward to Christmas as a family of four and a long winter’s nap. 😴🎄

Welcome Easton

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It’s only been two weeks since our little bundle of joy arrived and yet it seems like he’s always been a part of our family.  We are so thankful for this new addition and his perfect health.  Easton is a very easy baby; only crying for his needs. We’ve enjoyed interacting with him the few hours a day he opens his eyes.  We’ve caught site of his adorable dimples in his cheeks in those first (involuntary) smiles.  Daddy can’t wait to make him smile and laugh more. Landon is so proud of his brother and enjoys holding, feeding, and reading baby books to him.  Teachers at school say he talks about his brother all the time.  Landon, you are an amazing big brother! We just love this little family we have grown and are so thankful God has given us these beautiful boys.  Sending love and thinking of all of you during those lonely late night feedings and sleepless nights. All the support you give us gets us through. Love you all.

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Marvel Universe Live

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Landon and I went to downtown Phoenix to see a live performance of Marvel Superheroes. As you’ll see in the video, the event was action packed…but every superhero has to to get ready to save the world.

Let Landon know what you think in the comments!

Happy Grandparents Day

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Our family is so blessed to have the most amazing grandparents so we wanted to ask Landon questions about Grandma, Papa and Mimi.

His answers may surprise you…I mean there are hundreds of possible answers, right?. Let us know what you think.

Urban Jungle

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We met Hunter at at a neat place called Urban Jungle Fun Park. There is so much to do there including trampolines, slides, rock walks, and high velocity nerf-style shooters.

The boys had a great time, we hope you enjoy the video.