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3 Months to Go!

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We can hardly believe that in just three short months our family of three will become four. We can not wait to meet this spunky little guy, and we know he’s spunky  because he never stops moving, wiggling, and kicking.   Read More

10 Year Anniversary

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Ten years later and we still do.  We spent our 10th anniversary at a fun little Tapinyaki place in Gilbert.  Landon enjoyed the atmosphere and tried Japanese food for the first time.  We are so excited that after 10 years we still have so much more to look forward to.  We feel our marriage has been blessed and are thankful for all the love and support along the way.
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Arizona Rattlers Football Game

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I was so excited to score free tickets from work so that we could take Landon to his first football game. Arena football is loud and definitely over stimulating but we take so much joy in watching him exprerience new things. It’s nice to have an excuse to go downtown too because there is so much for a little one to see. The Rattlers won the game so that made it even better. Enjoy!
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Papa’s Place – Part 2

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Newport Beach is close to a lot of great places to visit and to eat. Balboa Island is a neat location, which you can take a ferry ride too. Huntington Beach is just up the coast with some great surfing.

As you’ll see, no matter where we were, Landon’s favorite food group was vegetables dessert…any surprise?

Thanks for letting us crash at your place Papa, can’t wait to come back. I hope you enjoy my drawing I left for you. –Landon

Papa’s Place – Part 1

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We left the desert heat for an extended weekend and visited Papa’s Beachouse in Newport Beach, CA. After a long and straight 6 hour drive west, Landon was full of joy and energy…just wait until you see how excited he was to visit the beach.

Mothers Day – Bowling

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We had a fun filled day on Mother’s Day including meeting up with Great Grandma, Grandma, and Papa…going to mass in downtown Phoenix’s St. Mary’s Basilica, brunch and capped it off with bowling at Lucky Strike.

We hope you enjoy what we’re were able to capture in the bowling video. Let’s just say Landon got his fancy dance moves from Mom, not Dad.

Comment and let us know what you think.

Spring Training Baseball Game

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To complete Landon’s 2 week spring break, Amanda scored some free Spring Training Baseball tickets from her work. The temperature wasn’t the only thing that was hot; Landon’s dance moves were on fire!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention…there was cotton candy too. What more could you ask for?

Boyce Thompson Arboretum

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What a hidden gem in Arizona! This outdoor botanical garden is located just an hour from our house. It is so picturesque that walking through it is like walking through a fairy tale.  Around every turn is your own secret garden (one of my childhood dreams☺️). You can experience rose gardens, herb gardens, a children’s garden, desert gardens, and even the plants of Australia.  We felt such a calm and lucky to experience such wonders of nature.  🌱
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Our Family is Growing

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Shawn always does a great job with our family photos but I have to say these are some of my favorites. Maybe it’s because we finally were able to reveal a secret we’ve been keeping for 10 weeks.  We are anxious about becoming a family of four because our threesome is so great but we know babies only bring more joy.  We are so proud of the family we’ve built and can’t wait to continue grow together.
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