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Month 11

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Time is a thief and it’s stealing our babies. We feel like we just brought Easton bear home and yet here is walking around the house like he owns the place. He’s always making us laugh with his silly personality.  He already knows how to melt our hearts with his handsome smile and scrunchy nose faces. He also knows no matter how much mischief he gets into that smile can save him every time.  We are busy planning his “Wild One” birthday party based on one of our all time favorite children stories Where the Wild Things Are. We certainly do have a wild one on our hands-and he’s perfect that way.

Back to school

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I can’t believe his first day at district preschool is here! We couldn’t be more excited for him to be a little Spartan! This was our first time shopping for school supplies so it was a special  time for us. Mommy only had to wrestle a few people to get that 3 inch white binder everyone seemed to need this year. There was definitely  some aggressive cart bumping going on. 😆Despite all the craziness, we feel so proud of our little man. We know he’ll be a star in room 111 with Ms. Kristine.  We will keep you posted  on his many success that are sure to come this year.

Video of Rocky Point

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A little snapshot of our first family trip to Mexico. This was also Landon’s first trip outside the country. Comment below if you have an idea about what his favorite part of the trip was?


Peach Blossom Festival

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Spring is here! The very best time of the year. We headed to the farm for scrumptious baked peach cinnamon rolls and the amazing smells of peach blossoms in the air.  It’s truly the best time to live in this beautiful state.  Little cousin Hunter enjoyed his first ride and Landon was all giggles during his first ride on his first roller coaster. Spring festival season has arrived and we intend to make the most of it! Sending warmth and love your way. Mwah!😘
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